The Jerusalem municipality and Elad jointly advance the expansion of Elad’s activities in Abu Tor

Jerusalem municipality has submitted a request to Jerusalem District Planning Committee to change the status of the “Peace Forest” so as to allow Elad organization to develop tourist activities on the site (for a description of Elad’s projects there, see our report here). One of Elad’s projects consists in the establishment of an Omega/zip line, to which JNF has objected based on the ground that it contradicts the purpose of the zone as a forest. Changing the status of the zone aims to bypass the JNF’s objection. The request of the municipality was discussed  during a hearing that took place on April 1st at the District Planning Committee. Reportedly, the representative of the ministry of transport was the only authority that voiced reservations towards the Omega/zip line, based on the fact that the project is a commercial initiative rather than one that serves public use. The committee asked for additional information about Elad’s projects before issuing its decision. Elad’s various projects on this site are a bleak illustration of the way various governmental authorities, including Israel’s ministry of tourism, Israel Land Authority and JNF, have transfer their responsibilities to Elad in and around of Jerusalem. A recent request submitted by the Movement for Freedom of Information shed some lights on the irregularities of these arrangements. See also our edition on the State Comptroller’s reports on Elad here.
Elad and the City of David – A comprehensive article was published in the New York Times about the controversy surrounding the development of the City of David by Elad and its impact on the Palestinian population living in Silwan.